This can comprise various aspects such as:
- Tendering
- Contract & contract specification
- Building Strategy, Plan approval and survey of suppliers
- Planning & progress
- Risk analysis
Consultancy is carried out by senior naval architects & marine engineers having decades of experience at shipping companies and/or shipyards
Since a decade, dedicated senior consultant takes in particular care for energy efficiency and impact on environment as emission rules adopted by Imo and European Commission are becoming progressivly restrictive. These rules also have considerable impact on Contract & Specification with yard and Charter Party.
Our base of supervisors exceeds 500 CV's, this allows to propose full or partial site teams to inspect welding, coating, machinery & piping, electrical & automation plant, accommodation and outfitting.
Our experience on trading and delivering parts for any type of engine and generator set exceeds 30 years. Just sent us your enquiry and we will revert with our best possible proposal, including technical advice and delivery to any location worldwide.
- Track record since 1965, first as builder of ships and then as Owner’s supervisor, allows Viamar to team-up with Owner to assess yards and to supervise his newbuilding(s).
- Consultancy & Supervision from the same source, all along the project, from tender to delivery, allows to assist Owner in a flexible, cost & time efficient way.
- Focus of Viamar is entirely on newbuilding. Clients are also supported for conversions, specific repairs and pre-purchase inspections.
- Independent and private character of Viamar ensures customer priority, lasting loyalty and confidentiality.
Our Mission
Consult Owners in building profitable vessels by:
- tender supervision and assistance- supervising quality of design & workmanship
- timely delivery by monitoring building progress
- ensuring compliance with Rules
Experience built-up started in 1965 when naval architect Pieter Van Robaeys was employed by Boelwerf shipyard in Belgium. In 27 year period, 125 seagoing ships were built up to 165.000 tdw. Viamar was established in Belgium as independent company in 1992.